Cellista Collagen Retinol – A CBD and Retinol Formula
A breakthrough in skin anti aging prepared with the help of CBD Hemp and Retinol. For the first time The two ingredients were mixed to get an anti aging cream called Cellista Collagen Retinol for the purpose of strengthen the skin. The clinical studies has proved it to be the best anti aging cream.
Benefits of Using Cellista Collagen Retinol
Helps improving skin Hydration
Improves Nutrient Delivery to skin
Reduces the Wrinkles
Keeps on fighting the aging sings
Repairs the Collagen Chain of Skin
Supports the Epidermal Layer of skin
Protects skin from future damages
Improves Skin Elasticity
Protects skin from stress and wind effects
Cellista Collagen Retinol Ingredients
Cellista Collagen Retinol contains ceramides as its ingredient. Cellista Collagen Retinol helps you skin staying younger with the help of ceramides. Let us see in detail what this ingredient is.
Ceramides are a substance that is naturally found in the organism. They are molecules that exert effect of “cement”, facilitating the union between the cells of the skin and forming a barrier that maintains the hydration, cohesion and protection of the lips.
As its main function is to strengthen the cells-both the skin and the hair-, its effect is very beneficial to solve various problems.
They are excellent for combating the effects of environmental factors (such as the aggression of solar rays and harsh climates) and the passage of time.
Today they are incorporated in the formula of many cosmetic products-from face creams to shampoos and make-up bases-, in various concentrations ranging from 4 to 10%. There are also capsules of pure ceramide.
These are ideal for applying on mature skins because they form an effective barrier that prevents water loss.
It prevent aging, recompose the flowered hair, contribute to the regeneration of the skin and help to recover its natural hydration.
It have become famous mainly by the line of Elizabeth Arden, although they are present in many other products. In fact they are natural fats (lipids) that exist in our cells in a high concentration, allowing the hydration to be maintained when forming a protective barrier. It is as if they were the cement that keeps the bricks (our cells) together and firm.
The reason they are included in beauty products is their ability to fill the void that leave our own natural skin fats when the skin is aging, so that they replace them and can thus prevent further damage. The progressive decrease in ceramides in our skin causes a lack of immediate hydration that translates into fine lines and wrinkles.
Retinol is the main ingredient of Cellista Collagen Retinol. With the help of this naturally found ingredient, Cellista Collagen Retinol helps your skin from getting dehydrated. It is one of the main elements responsible for the skin strength.
Known as retinol, this ingredient of so many cosmetic products is one of the ways that vitamin A is adopted. It is used in the treatment of wrinkles, age spots, acne and other skin problems.
What are your main properties and benefits?
The retinol applied in cosmetic products helps to maintain the hydration and natural elasticity of the skin. Therefore, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and lines of expression.
Prevents the emergence of free radicals, responsible for the aging of the skin.
It has antioxidant properties that help maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin.
Exfoliates the upper layers of the skin, eliminating the dead skin cells and exercising, in this way, a peeling.
Promotes natural collagen production
It serves as a regenerative skin, and therefore it is used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and pre-existing marks (as well as to prevent the emergence of new lines of expression).
It is a variety of vitamin A that is not as aggressive as retinoic acid, but the effects are not as immediate as with the same.
Retinol allows for longer treatments and has few side effects and contraindications.
As a nutrient, vitamin A is soluble in fats and oils and, in addition to improving the appearance of the skin, contributes to the formation and maintenance of the tissues of the body (bones, muscles, teeth).
It enables a better vision (the name retinol is because it composes the retina).
Present in vegetable-based foods such as spinach, chard, peaches, apricots, etc. and others of animal origin such as liver, vitamin A or retinol is essential for healthy body growth: increases immunity, prevents various types of diseases and infections and is even a recognized anti-cancer.
Several decades ago since dermatologists advised retinol treatments to treat acne, as this component not only helps to dry existing grains, but prevents the emergence of new grains.
1-Helps promote collagen synthesis
2-improves the texture of the skin
3-Increases skin hydration
4-It is the best active ingredient to reverse the aging
5-Close Pore
6-regulates the production of fat
7-Favor Cell renewal
8-It has antioxidant effect because it prevents the decrease of the enzyme sod during oxidative stress
9-Prevents hyperkeratinization
10-improves fine and deep wrinkles
CBD Hemp Extract
The Third super ingredient of Cellista Collagen Retinol. I have written this ingredient in detail for your satisfaction keep on reading.
The properties of cannabidiol (CBD) make it an innovative and valuable ingredient in cosmetics. Cannabidiol is well soluble in fat cream bases for dry, irritated skin care as well as oily skin treatment.
CBD Properties:
Nourishes and protects sensitive skin
Antioxidant effect with radical scavenging properties
Can alleviate excessive immune responses
Soft for skin, pruritus, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, inflamed
Can reduce excess production of sebum, for example, in acne or oily skin/oily hair
Penetrates deep into the skin
Highly anti-inflammatory
The hemp oil is obtained in cold by pressure of the seeds of the plant to preserve all its properties. This oil gives skin softness, elasticity, luminosity or strength. It rehydrates the skin thanks to the deposit of the fat film in the epidermis and softens the irritated skins, among many of its properties.
Properties of Hemp Oil:
Hydrates, strengthens and repairs
Rich in mineral salts and essential fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, necessary for good skin health
High gamma-linoleic or GLA acid content
Suitable for all types of skins
High content of antioxidants that fight against the free radicals guilty of the deterioration of the skin punished by the daily stress
Contains vitamins indispensable for the skin, especially vitamin E, which helps to increase blood flow and restructure the epidermis
Highly penetrating faculties in the skin, in few minutes is absorbed being ideal for massaging.
How Does Cellista Collagen Retinol Work?
Cellista Collagen Retinol deeply penetrates into the skin and helps your skin hydration, improves the strength of skin while fighting with the aging sings and fine lines. Cellista Collagen Retinol supplies all the necessary nutrition elements to your skin and makes the skin cells stronger to fight aging and environmental effects.
Does Cellista Collagen Retinol Contain any Side Effects?
For all its benefits, unfortunately retinol does have some side effects, especially for sensitive skin. Skin irritation, redness, peeling and dryness are the most common problems reported on sensitive skin.
But in case of Cellista Collagen Retinol you can use it fearlessly as it is completely side effect free and nothing harmful has been found so far.
Free Trial
You can grab a free trial Cellista Collagen Retinol from its official website. Noting to lose until you are satisfied with the results!!!